aro/ace spec
the ultimate guide!!!

yo! my name is sevan and im an aroace teen. i wanted to make an informational carrd about the aroace spectrum! just a disclaimer that i may not include every single aroace label so if your label is not included i sincerely apologize
[this carrd would have multiple parts due to element limitations]
here are all the topics im going to cover1. the aroace flags
2. the aroace spectrum
3. the main aroace labels
4. more aro/ace identities
5. faq about the aroace spec!

the aro/ace flags!

here are the three main flags representing the aro/ace spectrum and each can have different implications of ones location on the aroace spec. however you can use whichever flag you want!


this is the sunset aroace flag! it uses both orange and blue because both colors are between ace purple and aro green!
folks who use this flag may imply that their aro/ace labels are equal
[eg. a person whos both demiaro and demiace]


this is the flag created by combining the aro and ace flag!
folks who use this flag may imply that their aro/ace labels are different
[eg. someone whos demiaro but ace]


this is the alternate aroace flag of the sunset version! the aroace specs iconic color is mainly blue so this flag represents all the aroace labels
folks who use this flag are generally on the spectrum! nothing more

the aro/ace spectrum & the main labels!

[my diagram of the aro/ace to allo spec]

in short aro/ace is basically someone who are on both the aromantic and asexual spectrum. some does not feel sexual and romantic attraction at all some only feels one of them rarely or feels both of them rarely
just like asexuality and aromanticsm the aroace spectrum also consists of a large variety of labels to describe every individuals unique experience with their sexuality and romantic orientation
all the labels that are within the grey area between aro/ace and allo doesnt fit into the allospec and they only rarely experience romantic/sexual attraction so they are included into the aro/ace spec
this page will also introduce to you the main labels of the aroace spectrum
basic vocabularies1. sexual attraction - developing the desire to sexually interact with someone/a gender[s] [eg. a gay person who is sexually attracted to their same gender]
2. romantic attraction - developing the desire to have a romantic relationship and romantically interact with someone/a gender[s] [a person who wants to romantically date someone else]
3. sex favorable - usually used by an asexual person. someone who enjoys having sex for the pleasure of it/satisfying their libido without developing sexual attraction
4. sex neutral - usually used by an asexual person. someone who isnt repulsed by sex but doesnt actively seek it either
4. sex averse - usually used by an asexual person. someone who is repulsed by sex and/or does not want to sexually interact at all
5. qpr/queerplatonic relationship - a relationship that is purely platonic but much stronger feelings than that which are experienced in a normal friendship its the equivalent of a romantic relationship [while both partners are only platonically attracted to one another]
!! also a reminder that just because an asexual person has sex or an aromantic person dates does not make them any less aro/ace!


a sexuality where someone is both aceflux and aroflux. both their sexual and romantic orientation fluctuates but generally stays on the aro/ace specs. these fluctuations may occur at the same time or they may be independent


someone who is both acespike and arospike. they usually feels little to no romantic and sexual attraction but occasionally has rare and sudden spikes of romantic and/or sexual attraction


a term designating people who are both demiromantic and demisexual! ie. in order to feel romantically and/or sexually attracted to someone they need to establish a strong emotional bond first


a term for someone who is both greyaromantic and greyasexual. they only experience romantic and/or sexual attraction rarely or only under specific circumstances

angled aroace!!

an aspec or otherwise aroace person who experiences some type of tertiary attraction romantic attraction and/or sexual attraction

oriented aroace!!

a strictly aromantic and asexual person who experiences some type of tertiary attraction like aesthetic attraction or queerplatonic attraction